Monday, April 28, 2014

SpaceX Suit Against Air Force for EELV

I am going to start out my first blog post on the SpaceX suit against the Air Force. To start out let us try and give a little background information on this entire ordeal. Firstly right now the only company that is putting defense satellites into space for the DOD is ULA, which is a merger company between Lockheed Martin and Boeing. These two companies produce the Atlas V, which is Lockheed Martin's launch vehicle and Boeing who struts the Delta IV. These two ships are the sole provider for the DOD missions to space and we are paying them almost 400 million dollars per launch. Before United Launch Alliance was made they were separate companies competing against each other and then came together to for a monopoly right under the US's nose.  With ever rising cost per launch, SpaceX CEO, Elon Musk, has set a goal to take some of these launches from this monopoly. With the Air Force last year saying they were going to open up approximately 15  launches up for competition, SpaceX got on board. When they did SpaceX had to preform certain requirements to be eligible to launch for the DOD, which ULA did not. SpaceX is filing this suit against the Air Force for coming out and saying they were manifesting these competitive launches and then late last November taking this claim back. This was all announced this past Friday.
-My Opinion
  I think this is unfair and that the US has made monopolization illegal, so why is it fair for them to allow it? Monopolies are illegal for a reason and personally it is justifiable. I do not blame Space Exploration Technologies for pursuing  this suit. The AirForce said they were going to open these launches up for competition, then made SpaceX pass all of these 'requirements' and when they were within three months of completing them, they go ahead cancel the launches and buy a block buy of contracts from ULA till I believe 2020. To read further on this I will link below this post.
 Further Reading:


Don't ever actually know how this website works and don't expect to get anything out of this, but we shall give it a shot! I plan to talk primarily on the prism  of space exploration and political science topics. Covering SpaceX, NASA, ULA, ESA, JAXA and all the other space related news!